
How To Change Shutter Speed Sony A7ii

With the release of the Sony a7rII, there is no doubt that the photo manufacture is talking…and for expert reason. Sony has really pushed the boundaries with this total frame 42mp mirrorless photographic camera this time around. For many, this was the final nail in the coffin that allowed them to make the move from a DSLR to a smaller (and by and large lighter) mirrorless system. And with every new camera, there are new carte du jour systems to larn, new custom button functions to remember and new features to wrap your head around. So no matter if you are brand new to Sony or a long time user who only picked up the latest flagship camera, I have compiled a list of xv of my favorite tips to aid you get the most of your make new Sony a7rII.

Shoot In RAW

The first thing y'all will want to do after picking upwards your a7rII (well most of you) is alter the image file format from the default (JPEG) to RAW (or RAW+JPEG if you are into that sort of thing). The a7rII has an incredibly powerful 42mp sensor and past shooting in RAW you are harnessing all that it has to offer. You might be surprised at how many people forget to change this setting with a brand new camera.

RAW Sony a7rII

To do this, hit the Menu button and navigate to the camera settings (camera icon). In the first section of this tab, you lot volition find "Quality". Select it and change it to the desired mode.

Pick Upwardly An L-Bracket & Wireless Remote

Two of the most important accessories you can pick upwards for your new Sony a7rII are an L-Bracket and a Wireless Remote. An Fifty-Bracket volition allow you to easily switch from horizontal to vertical modes while e'er maintaining a proper center of gravity with your tripod While a wireless remote will help you avert unnecessary camera shake when taking an image as well equally open up easy utilize of the cameras BULB feature to have photos longer than 30 seconds in length.

L Bracket and WIreless Remote for Sony a7rII

When information technology comes to 50-Brackets, I highly recommend Really Right Stuff. They are well built and offer great customer service, although they are expensive. Ii other options are Markins and Neewer. When it comes to picking upwards a wireless remote, y'all tin opt for the Sony branded model if you desire, but information technology is expensive for some reason. Instead, I recommend heading to Amazon and picking upwardly a $nine.99 Foto & Tech wireless IR remote.

* Do note that the wireless remote will NOT work with your default a7rII settings. You have to jump into the Menu organization, move to "Toolbox" tab (far right) and and then to Department 3. There you will find a "Remote Ctrl" option. Make sure it is set to "On".

Make The Most Out Of Your EVF

One of the upgrades from the first generation a7r is the EVF (Electronic View Finder). The new EVF has a college resolution, is wider (.78x) and is sharper. However, if you zoom-in to bank check focus, you lot might find the details look a touch also "pixelated" for your tastes. Luckily in that location is an option to engage in "High" quality EVF output. Simply exist warned that this can swallow more battery life.

Fix EVF for Sony a7rII

To change your EVF quality, printing the carte du jour button and return to the "Toolbox" menu (far correct), move to the 2nd department and you will detect "Display Quality". Change it from "Standard" to "High" and reap the benefits.

Permit Vertical Images to Wait Great

When viewing images on the back of my camera, there is nothing more than annoying than taking a vertical image and beingness forced to look at a tiny compressed version of information technology on your LCD. To fix this, you can adjust the rotation of your images being displayed, allowing the prototype to take up the entire LCD screen when y'all rotate your camera on its side.

Let Vertical Image take full advantage of the rear LCD
Let Vertical Paradigm take total advantage of the rear LCD

To exercise this, bound into the menu and move to the "Playback" tab (looks similar a Play push button on a DVD player) and and so in Section 1 you volition find "Display Rotation". Make sure it is set to "AUTO".

Turn Off Dissonance Reduction & DRO

Another important feature to plough off (at least for me) is both DRO and Noise Reduction settings, both of which are turned on past default. What practise these settings do? DRO (Dynamic Range Optimizer) will substantially burnish some of your shadows and darken some of your highlights to expand the Dynamic Range of your shot. Equally for Noise Reduction, the two settings you have to look for are "Long Exposure NR" and "High ISO NR". While both of these features can be helpful to eliminate noise from your images, I prefer to do this in mail processing, where I take much more than control over how it happens and which parts of my images are being affected.

Noise Reduction Sony a7rII

To do this, jump into the menu organization and move to the "Camera Settings" (looks like a Photographic camera). From there head to Section 5 & 6 respectively. Switch DRO from "AUTO" to "Off" and then brand certain "Long Exposure NR" and "Loftier ISO NR" are both set to off (High ISO is only on with JPEG images).

Set Minimum Shutter Speed for Auto ISO

I feature that I have been request Sony for for years is the ability to set a minimum shutter speed with the Auto ISO. Why is this important? Imagine using the Aperture Priority Mode to capture an image of a person. You fix the aperture to f/4 because you want some decent bokeh (background blur) and you lot know y'all want to use the everyman ISO possible (to avoid noise and get the cleanest looking colors). The trouble is that light is fading and you know that your shutter speed is going to accept to drop in order to capture enough lite in your image. Past setting a minimum shutter speed (of say 1/60th of a sec) and turning on Auto ISO, you force the camera to only increase the ISO if the shutter speed drops below your prepare limit. This way you lot don't have to worry about camera shake, considering your shutter speed volition never go below your minimum limit.

AUTO Iso Min Shutter Speed Sony a7rII

To do this, open up up the menu system and movement to the "Camera Settings" tab and then Section v. Here you volition find the "ISO AUTO Min. SS". Set your minimum limit and from then on, whatever fourth dimension yous jump in Machine ISO, information technology will be set for y'all.

Stop Accidentally Recording Movies

A mutual complaint from near Sony a7 series camera users is the fact that they accidentally striking the movie record push button on the back of their cameras while either taking a however image or simply picking up the camera. Luckily there is an easy set that only allows that push to work when you are specifically in the "Movie" camera way.

Movie Button Sony a7rII

To fix this effect, printing the carte du jour button and caput to the "Settings" tab (looks like a gear). Move to Section 8 and there you will detect the "Flick Button" menu particular. Click on it and select "Movie Mode Simply".

Set up Up Focus Peaking for MF

One of my favorite features of Sony's mirrorless cameras is the ability to utilize "Focus Peaking" when manually focusing images. This adds a small-scale color overlay to your prototype that helps you determine when parts of your photo is in focus. However, it is important to note that this is meant to be more than of a guideline rather than a definitive way to make sure your images are tac sharp. I detect that does a bully job of getting me "pretty close" to tac sharp (when the red color begins to announced), where I so have to pay close attention and brand sure I accept accomplished perfect focus.

Focus Peaking Sony a7rII

To plow Focus Peaking on, press the Menu button and move to the "Settings" tab (2nd from the left). So move to Section two and select the "Peaking Level" menu particular. Change this to "Low". So select "Peaking Color" and change it to "Red". I have found those two settings together to a good task of not only being unobtrusive but also pretty helpful in helping you lot detect focus.

Set Self Timer for Auto Epitome Brackets

Probably the most requested feature by mural photographers is the ability to apply the cocky-timer feature with motorcar bracketing (something most other camera manufacturers have allowed for years). Historically the outcome has been that both these features were in the aforementioned menu, merely Sony only allowed y'all to utilise one at a time, forcing you to choose between the ii. No longer!

Bracketing Settings Sony a7rII

To turn on the self-timer feature with automobile bracketing, press the menu push button and move to the "Photographic camera Settings" tab (1st from the left). Move to Section 2 and find "Subclass Settings". Once you open up that menu particular, you should meet "Selftimer during Brkt". Click on it and set 2, 5 or 10-second delay.

Customize Your Cameras Buttons

Ane of the best ways to truly customize your experience with the Sony a7rII is by changing the function of the buttons on your photographic camera to your liking. Do you find yourself constantly earthworks through the menu system for a setting? Try setting it to i of the four custom buttons, the dorsum wheel or if we are being honest…nigh any push button on the camera. In addition, you tin can as well control which items bear witness up in the "Function Menu" when you press the "Fn" button on the back of your camera. Lesser line, there is no universal "right" way to ready these buttons, so exist prepared to experiment to observe what setup works best for you!

Buttons or Dials that can be customized on the Sony a7rII
Buttons or Dials that tin can be customized on the Sony a7rII

To outset adjusting the functionality of the buttons on your camera, jump into the menu system and head to the "Settings" tab and Section 7. From there the 2 key areas y'all are looking for are "Office Menu Set up" and "Custom Central Settings". In in that location you lot volition see all of the unlike ways yous can adjust your user experience with this camera. The post-obit three tips talk virtually setting two of my favorite custom buttons.

Setup Back Push Auto Focus

Many photographers coming from DSLRs (particularly wildlife & sports photography) take a fondness of separating their shutter release push from their focus button. Why? Considering it is very easy to accidentally take an image when all you lot wanted to do was attain focus. This can cause you to miss "THE" shot if information technology happens at an inopportune time. By keeping them split, you lot can make sure your focus is locked earlier pressing the shutter push, which yous know will simply accept the photo and not try to find focus again.

Back Button AF Sony a7rII

To do this, you lot have to make three changes in your camera's carte du jour system. First observe the "Settings" tab (2nd from the left) and motion to Section 7. Here yous will discover "Custom Central Settings". Click on that and and so scroll to the right until you run across "AEL Button". Make sure that is set to "AF On. Now observe the "AF/MF Button" bill of fare item and make sure it is set to "AF/MF Ctrl Toggle". Lastly press the "Menu" push button until you are back at the main menu organization and move to Department 5 of the "Settings" tab. Hither you will find "AF west/ shutter". Make sure it is set to "Off". At present you are washed. From now on the button near the "AF/MF/AEL" switch on the back of your camera will control AF (when in "AEL" way) while your Shutter push will simply capture an paradigm.

Easily Adjust Your Focal Indicate

With the a7rII you have a few AF areas to choose from when it comes to using your cameras pretty incredible AF system. While "Broad" & "Centre" make the choice for AF simple from the users stand point, but the "Zone" & "Flexible Spot" options comprise AF areas that tin be adjusted as needed on the fly. To easily do this, you can ready the middle push button on the back of your cameras punch be in charge of moving your AF point. Simply press it once, movement your AF signal to the desired surface area of your image and press once again to ostend.

Focal Point Adjustment Sony a7rII

To do this, press the bill of fare push button and move to the "Settings" tab (2nd from the left). Notice Section 7 and motion to "Custom Key Settings". Once within, scroll down to "Center Button" and make certain it is assail "Standard". Thats it!

Utilize APS-C Mode Equally Needed

One of the nicest aspects of using a camera with a 42mp sensor is the ability to ingather into your images and still maintain a ton of image detail and resolution. If you are using a telephoto lens and want a little extra reach, y'all tin force the a7rII to think it is using an APS-C lens, allowing y'all to take advantage of the 1.5x crop of such a sensor. This will drop your Megapixels from 42 to 18, simply it can come in handy when photographing wildlife or a sports events when that extra achieve can mean the difference in getting "THE" shot.

Sony a7rII + Sony 70-400 w/ LA-E3 adapter in APS-C Mode
Sony a7rII + Sony 70-400 w/ LA-E3 adapter in APS-C Style

To enable APS-C Mode, spring into the camera'southward card arrangement and select the "Settings" tab (second from the left). Move to Department six and select "APS-C/Super 35mm" menu item. Change it from "Car" to "ON". In Motorcar mode, the camera volition automatically change into APS-C mode for you when using lenses made for that cropped sensor and turn off when using FF lenses.

Install The Timelapse Camera App

Having the ability to install 3rd political party apps onto your camera to increase its functionality is i of my favorite things about Sony'south mirrorless line of cameras. Past far, the virtually popular (and my favorite) app is the Time-Lapse app. With it you can easily setup your camera to not only start creating a fourth dimension-lapse, but it will compile it for you (and save your RAW files if you lot inquire information technology to).

Sony's Time-lapse app found in the PlayMemories Camera App Website
Sony's Time-lapse app found in the PlayMemories Camera App Website

To learn the easiest ways to install apps (including the Time-lapse App) onto your photographic camera, check out my recent weblog post, "Installing and Updating Apps on Your Sony Camera With Ease".

Charge Your Camera Externally

I of the few drawbacks to moving to a mirrorless camera system is the fact that batteries are significantly smaller than their DSLR counterparts. This can come into play during long shooting sessions, including creating time-lapses like we talked virtually in a higher place. Until now yous had no way to charge your camera while using information technology every bit the camera would automatically go into a "USB Way" the moment you lot plugged in a USB string to accuse your battery. This is no longer the case with the a7rII. Now you tin easily charge your camera while shooting, making those long nights of shooting much easier to cope with.

Charging a Sony a7r via a Goal Zero Venture 30 in Norway
Charging a Sony a7r via a Goal Aught Venture xxx in Kingdom of norway

To commencement charging your camera, simply find the plug covers on the left side of your camera trunk and pull them out. Insert a micro USB cord attached to something like the Goal Nil Venture thirty ( which can charge 3 full Sony batteries) and keep on shooting![/x_text][/x_column][/x_row][/x_section]


While I didn't cover everything in this article, I hope this while get yous started on making your new Sony a7rII feel more similar it is YOUR photographic camera. In the comments beneath, feel gratuitous to share your ain tips or tricks that you take establish while setting up the a7rII. You lot are also gratuitous to share ane of your favorite images you accept taken with the a7rII since picking it upwardly. Enjoy!


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