
How Long Do You Have To Register A Car In Ga

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If you lot own or lease a car and want to drive it in Georgia, you must start annals it with the state. Generally, to register a auto in Georgia y'all must complete an application and nowadays a valid, state-issued ID forth with proof of buying and proof of insurance for the vehicle. Yous must also pay taxes and fees, both with initial registration and when you renew your registration every year. Complete your initial registration in person at the County Tag Role, and then you can typically renew online.

  1. 1

    Complete the tag and title application. If you buy a new or used car at a dealership in Georgia, you volition likely fill out and sign this form every bit office of your paperwork. All fields of the course must either be typed or printed by mitt in blue or black ink.[i]

    • Download the tag and title application at if you lot desire to fill it out at dwelling house before you go to the County Tag Function.

    Did You lot Know? If yous purchase a new or used vehicle in Georgia, you take thirty days to register it. A dealer will typically give you lot a Temporary Operating Permit (TOP) that allows y'all to drive your car during that time.

  2. 2

    Get together proof of ownership and proof of insurance. Earlier you lot can register a vehicle, you must demonstrate that you lot own the vehicle and that you have valid insurance to drive it. Typically, your insurance visitor will file your proof of insurance with the state's database directly after you add the new car to your policy.[2]

    • Yous can too print off your insurance cards or policy statement to serve as proof of insurance. It's a good idea to bring these documents with you anyway, just in example.
    • Proof of ownership typically consists of a bill of sale or a Manufacturer'due south Certificate of Origin. Car dealers typically volition point out the paperwork you need to use to constitute proof of ownership.
    • If y'all bought the vehicle from an individual, you lot'll likely have the title to the vehicle, which the seller has signed over to y'all.


  3. 3

    Contact your Canton Tag Role. Specific procedures and requirements for registration may vary among counties. Call your Canton Tag Office earlier you become to discover out what documents you'll demand to register your new car.

    • You lot tin can find your County Tag Office past visiting and selecting the county where you live from the drop-downwards card.
    • When you register your vehicle, you'll accept to pay registration fees and ad valorem taxes. An officer at the County Tag Office tin can help yous calculate what you'll accept to pay and tell you lot what methods of payment are accepted.
  4. four

    Appear in person at your County Tag Office. To apply for initial registration of a vehicle, you must become to the Canton Tag Office in the county where you live and submit your awarding along with proof of buying and proof of insurance. The officer at the Tag Office will also verify your ID. You can annals a vehicle with a valid Georgia driver'due south license or Georgia identification card.[3]

    • Yous can too apply for title and registration through the mail. Still, a license plate and registration volition not be issued to you until you present your valid Georgia commuter's license or state-issued identification card in person.[4]
  5. 5

    Place your new tags on your vehicle. Dealerships are authorized to identify Temporary Operating Allow (Top) plates on newly purchased vehicles. These plates are valid for 30 days. Give up your Elevation to the Canton Tag Function when you get your new plate.[5]

    • If yous ordered a custom tag, you may not receive it immediately. Instead, it will be mailed to you when it is ready. If you demand an extension of your TOP while you're waiting for the tag, you can take care of this at the Canton Tag Office.


  1. i

    Get a valid Georgia commuter'due south license. If you are new to the state of Georgia, you must first get a Georgia driver's license before you lot can annals a vehicle. Georgia driver'south licenses are issued past the Georgia Department of Commuter Services (DDS). Yous will be expected to surrender your sometime state ID when y'all become your Georgia ID.[6]

    • To notice the DDS location nearest y'all, go to

    Tip: If you lot are a college student in Georgia and your permanent home is outside the state, y'all don't have to go a Georgia driver's license or annals your car in Georgia. However, you are still responsible for keeping your license and registration up-to-date in your home state.

  2. 2

    Gather your out-of-state title and registration. Your out-of-state title and registration serve every bit proof that y'all own the vehicle. Both of these documents must listing your full proper noun exactly as it appears on your Georgia driver's license.[7]

    • If you don't currently have the title to your vehicle considering it is financed or leased, fill out Class T-17. You can download this course at
    • In some situations, your out-of-state championship or registration may accept a different name than your Georgia driver's license. For example, you may be recently married or divorced. In these situations, bring documents showing proof of the legal name alter, such as a marriage decree or divorce certificate.
  3. 3

    Have a law enforcement officer inspect your vehicle. Vehicles from another state must laissez passer a safety inspection before they can be registered in Georgia. Any Georgia law enforcement officer can complete this inspection. They will fill out and sign a form, which you must submit with your application for registration.[8]

    • To find out when and where you can become the inspection completed, contact your local police precinct. Make sure you employ the non-emergency number.
    • You can download and print the inspection form at
  4. iv

    Take your vehicle for an emissions inspection if required. Some Georgia counties, primarily those in the Metro Atlanta area, require certain vehicles to pass an emissions inspection earlier they can exist registered. Generally, inspections are required if your vehicle is gas-powered, or is a hybrid vehicle that is capable of running on gas.[9]

    • Visit http://world wide to discover out which counties and which vehicles must accept their emissions tested.
    • If you need to get an emissions inspection, you tin can find the location of the testing station nearest you at Emissions inspections cost $25.
    • If your vehicle fails the inspection, you'll get a form that gives y'all some data on the repairs that are needed to pass the inspection. You get one free retest if y'all render to the same station afterward you've made the repairs.
  5. 5

    Complete the tag and title application form. To utilize for a new Georgia title and registration, you must fill up out Form MV-1 and present it at the County Tag Office in the canton where you live. This form must either be typed or filled in with legible print in blue or black ink.[ten]

    • If it would exist easier for you, you lot can download the form at and fill up it out at dwelling before you go to the County Tag Office.
  6. 6

    Visit the Canton Tag Office of the county where you live. Accept all your paperwork to the County Tag Office and apply for registration in person. An officer at the County Tag Office will verify your Georgia ID and upshot Georgia registration and a plate for your vehicle.[11]

    • If you chose a custom plate, you may have to wait for it to be produced. The officer will requite you a Temporary Operating Permit to put on your car. You may receive your plate in the mail, or yous may have to go back to the County Tag Office to pick information technology upward. The officer will let you lot know.


  1. 1

    Look for a renewal notice in the mail. Most counties issue a renewal notice 30 days earlier your vehicle registration needs to exist renewed. Your renewal date is your birthday. Some counties don't issue renewal notices. Withal, you're however responsible for renewing your vehicle registration every year, whether you get a notice or not.[12]

    • If yous do receive a renewal discover, check all the information on it to make certain information technology's right before yous renew your registration. This is especially important if you've recently moved (inside the state or within the same county) or inverse your proper noun.

    Tip: If you demand to change your proper noun or address, get the information changed on your driver'south license first. So you can update the information on your vehicle registration. Your registration must match the information on your driver'due south license.

  2. 2

    Complete emissions inspection if necessary. Some counties, primarily those in the Metro Atlanta area, require emissions inspection for gas-powered cars manufactured before 2016. If you had to get an emissions inspection when you starting time registered your car, you likely besides need a new emissions inspection when you renew your registration.[13]

    • Your registration renewal notice will include an emissions inspection insert if emissions testing is required where you alive. Check the insert for information on finding the nearest testing location and determining whether your vehicle is exempt.
    • Emissions inspection reports are valid for 12 months. If you doubtable your car may need repairs, go your inspection washed early so that you have fourth dimension to brand those repairs and get your machine reinspected before your registration lapses. Otherwise, you lot'll owe a penalty for failure to renew on time.
  3. 3

    Calculate your taxes and registration fees. As of 2018, information technology costs $twenty to renew your registration. In addition, you may also owe ad valorem taxes based on your motorcar'southward current value. As your car's value decreases, the tax you owe also decreases. Advertizement valorem taxes are assessed on all vehicles titled in Georgia after March 1, 2013.

    • To calculate your advert valorem taxes, go to
  4. 4

    Submit your renewal information online if possible. Most counties allow you to renew your registration online, which is typically easier than renewing in person. If you renew your registration online, you will exist charged an additional convenience fee.[14]

    • You tin can't renew online if the proper noun or address on your Georgia driver'south license or identification card differs from the information on your vehicle registration. You must renew in person at the Canton Tag Function. Bring with you any documents that explain the discrepancy between the data on your commuter'southward license and the information on your vehicle registration.
    • If you're able to renew online, you'll fill out the renewal application online and submit your payment for taxes and renewal fees. The online renewal system accepts payment by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and e-check.
    • Impress your renewal confirmation and keep it in your motorcar until you lot get your new decals in the mail service.
  5. five

    Receive your new decals in the mail. If y'all renewed your registration online, the Georgia Section of Revenue will mail service new decals to the address shown on your registration. In one case these decals arrive, place them on your plate equally instructed.[15]

    • If your registration happens to expire before you receive your new decals, you may go pulled over for expired registration. Evidence the officer the renewal confirmation, and explain that you lot oasis't received your new decals in the postal service all the same.


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How Long Do You Have To Register A Car In Ga,


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