
What Are The Values Of All Inputs For The Registers Unit?

COEN 316: Computer Architecture and Pattern

Pupil Proper name: ID:

Solve the post-obit questions using the instruction word and b.

a. 101011000110001000000000000101


b. 000000001000001000001000001010


1. What areastward the outputs of the sign-extstop and the jump "Shift left 2" unit of measurement (near the top of Figure

below) for this didactics word?


a. 00000000000000000000000000010100

b. 00000000000000000000100000101010

Spring's Shift-Left-2

a. 0001100010000000000001010000

b. 0010000010000010000010101000

2. What are the values of the ALU control unit's inputs for this teaching?

ALUOp[1-0] Didactics[5-0]

a. 00 010100

b. 10 101010

3. What is the new PC address after this didactics is executed? Highlight the path through which this

value is determined.

New PC Path

a. PC + 4

b. PC + 4

The remaining problems inorthward this exercise assume that data memory is all zeros and that the

processor'due south registers have the post-obit values at the beginning of the cycle in which the higher up

didactics word is fetched:

R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R8 R12 R31

4.For each Mux, prove the values of its data output durinyard the execution of this instruction and these

register values.

WrReg Mux ALU Mux Mem/ALU Mux Branch Mux Bound Mux

a. 2 or 0(RegDst is 10) xx Ten PC + four PC + iv

b. 1 −128 0 PC + 4 PC + four

five. For the ALU and the 2 add units, what are their data input values?

ALU Add (PC + 4) Add (Branch)

a. −3 and 20 PC and 4 PC + 4 and xx × 4

b. −32 and −128 PC and 4 PC + 4 and 2090 × 4

6. What are the values of all inputs for the "Reastwardgisters" unit?

Read Register 1 Read Register 2 Due westrite Register Write Data RegWrite

a. 3 2 X (2 or 0) X 0

b. four ii 1 0 1

Tutorial5 2-10-2013

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